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The Huffington Post turned its lens on the test-optional movement this week, focusing in particular on 11 competitive institutions where most if not all standardized tests are no longer required for admission. Among them was Wake Forest University, which announced its decision to go test-optional in 2008. Also among the ranks of colleges and universities highlighted in the piece are New York University, Bryn Mawr, Middlebury College and American University. According to the National Center for Fair and Open Test, more than 800 American four-year colleges and universities are now test optional.

The article points out that the SAT was initially intended to give all applicants an equal chance of being accepted to the university of their choice. But the “democratic goals” have gone awry as those who can afford it enroll in expensive prep courses or hire private tutors. The Huffington Post then asked its readers to weigh in the issue by asking whether they think the SAT be phased out. The opinions came pouring in, and at last count, there were more than 135 comments – both for and against the test-optional movement. Which way do you lean on this issue? Let’s continue the conversation.
