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From The Washington Post

By Jay Matthews

At the end of this month, college acceptance and rejection notices go out. I visited Wake Forest University last week and discovered, to my shock, that they still send theirs by mail, in a paper envelope you have to tear open. I thought everyone had switched to the dedicated Web site approach. You get the codes to access each college’s special page for the good or bad news, go there on the designated day, close your eyes, click your mouse, and bam, there it is.

Wake Forest draws many applicants who appreciate its old-fashioned southern charm. Using the U.S. mail to deliver this crucial information like everybody did in my day is part of the package. If we had the choice, blogmates of any age, which would we prefer?

I can see how the Web site way is quicker and less frustrating, and eliminates the need to run home at lunch period as see if the mail has arrived. But I still like the mystery and romance of physically holding the envelope and opening it and unfolding the letter. And I think the old way may be less prone to major goofs that result in many people being told they were accepted when the opposite was the case.

Anybody with me on this? Do you know of other colleges that are sticking to the mailed announcement? Which method do you like best? Vote below and tell us more about your selection in the comments.

How would you prefer to be notified about your college acceptance or rejection?
