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In an increasingly competitive college landscape, there’s a growing push for colleges to employ methods that could reduce the cutthroat nature of the competition among all parties involved. This isn’t to suggest that all competition is bad, but that perhaps there is a more cooperative means by which the goals of seeking and providing higher education can be met.

Look at the NFL. Part of the League’s success stems from common “admissions” practices, shared resources, and other standardization measures like salary caps that allow for equal competition between franchises, regardless of the market or other factors. In his new research paper, Dr. Jerome A. Lucido suggests that colleges might serve a more productive function in society [if they were to adopt similar philosophies]. Additionally, they might begin to reconsider notions about the most effective ways to educate young people – instead of the often narrow focus toward improving in the rankings. He later goes on to make parallels between SAT test prep services and PEDs that serve to enhance candidates’ credentials.

The Chronicle’s Eric Hoover discusses more of this unexpected relationship that exists.

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