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We can do it. Yes, we can!

“No one likes what’s going on in college admissions,” said panelist Lloyd Thacker, “and we each have a role to play in improving college admissions.” Colleges have more to gain by working cooperatively than competitively. Many road marks suggest that colleges and universities are rethinking […]

Commercialism in education

Commercialism has transformed education into product and students into consumers. Lloyd Thacker asked the conference participants to identify these billion dollar industries that affect education. Test prep, enrollment management consultants, a consultants for kids industry, and a “how to beat the system” industry were shouted […]

The role of the student not the school

There are many studies that show that it is student qualities that make for success in life – qualities much more important than the prestige of any one college or university. When conference participants were asked what student qualities inspired their work, potential, curiosity, hope, […]

Education as a ministry

Lloyd Thacker, the director of Educational Conservancy, delivered an inspired presentation. The room enthusiastically responded to his focus on education as a ministry. “Education as a ministry reminds us of common purposes and shared commitments to serving something of such profound importance, and it might […]

Dropping early decision

Greg Roberts, dean of admissions at the University of Virginia, opened Thursday’s first session by speaking on “access and opportunity for low-income high school students.” Roberts was returning to his alma mater; he graduated from Wake Forest in 1988 and received an MAEd in 1990. […]

Conference resumes

Good morning!  The “Rethinking Admissions” conference at Wake Forest will resume soon.  Yesterday was a fascinating day, with an impressive line-up of speakers, highlighted by Dan Golden’s keynote address, “Slumdog Ivy Leaguer.”  Today’s sessions will begin with a panel discussion, “Accessing the High School Record.”


On April 15 and 16, 2009, Wake Forest University hosted top admissions officers and leading researchers from Berkeley, Duke, Harvard, Ohio State, Princeton, Texas, Virginia, Yale and other universities along with the director of data research for U.S. News & World Report for the Rethinking Admissions conference.
