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Who Benefits Most from College?

Depending on their discipline, scholars can look at the same issue in completely different ways. The oft-debated question of who benefits most from college is a case in point. Economists would say that high school students consider the costs and benefits of a college education, […]

A College Prep Counselor's Top Ten List

College prep counseling is a large and growing industry with many counselors charging anywhere from $95 to $375 for their advice. But suggests that parents and their high school age children consider a few key points before shelling out money for the services these […]

Coming Soon to a Mailbox Near You

College acceptance letters are on their way to mailboxes across the United States, but instead of the traditional snail mail correspondence, you may be receiving an email, a link to an Internet video or maybe even a fancy certificate that you can frame and put […]

No More Senior Slump

Now that college admissions applications are in and graduation is just a few short weeks away, many high school seniors may be tempted to start slacking off. But with a growing number of colleges now making admission contingent on final grades, senior slump can have […]

Is Truth Stranger than Fiction? You Decide

As any parent of a college-bound high school student can attest, truth can sometimes be stranger than fiction. In the process of applying to colleges, many families have experienced enough ups and downs to literally fill the pages of a book. Author Karen Stabiner has […]

College Admissions Offices Embrace YouTube

Since its debut nearly five years ago, YouTube has offered a forum for everything from video blogs to amateur music videos. Now it’s also become a tool for college admissions. Tufts University started accepting one-minute videos as part of the application process for high school […]

How to Cope with College Rejection Letters

Expect the best, but prepare for the worst. That’s what your mother might advise as you wait for your college acceptance (or rejection) letters to arrive in the mail. Of course, college-bound students are not the only ones feeling anxious these days. Parents are too. […]

Washington Post Expands Higher Ed Coverage

With more and more high school students applying to college and many universities getting increasingly selective, interest in higher education issues has never been higher. Perhaps that’s why the Washington Post is the latest media outlet to expand its higher education coverage. This week, the […]


On April 15 and 16, 2009, Wake Forest University hosted top admissions officers and leading researchers from Berkeley, Duke, Harvard, Ohio State, Princeton, Texas, Virginia, Yale and other universities along with the director of data research for U.S. News & World Report for the Rethinking Admissions conference.
